The Control Body guarantees impartiality and integrity

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is a body established by LHWC which evaluates the validity of external training courses, the suitability of applicants to participate in the exam sessions and which deals with the issue of the required Certification and the initiation of investigations in case of complaints / or appeals.

It acquires the examination report and the list of people who have successfully passed the session from the Examination Board and carries out an assessment of the acquired documentation, the results of the exams and the overall outcome of the examination.

In the event of a positive evaluation, it inserts the list of people who have passed the exam in a Register held by LHWC, accompanied by the reference data of the subjects themselves

It issues certificates through the certification platform, accessible to certified persons.

It manages specific investigations in the event of complaints and appeals made to LHWC regarding its decisions regarding certification.

The Technical Committee is composed of a minimum of 1 person and a maximum of 3 persons, chosen in such a way as to ensure the continuous adequacy and constant balance of the parties involved in certification without the predominance of individual interests, thus safeguarding transparency and the impartiality of judgment.

Impartiality Safeguard Committee

The Impartiality Safeguard Committee is a body established by LHWC that guarantees the objectivity and independence, the absence of conflicts of interest and preconceptions, the absence of prejudice, promoting fairness, open-mindedness and balance.

It ensure that the organization has carried out at least an annual verification of the persistent non-existence of reasons for conflict of interest between the bodies, including the Technical Committee, employees and external personnel on the one hand and the certified subjects on the other.

It audits the certification procedures and in general relations with third parties.

It verifies the documentation intended for customers in terms of transparency and clarity, as well as adequate advertising.

It checks the regulations of the institution for the purpose of compliance with the rules of impartiality.

The committee also ensures the correct and impartial management of complaints and appeals presented by customers and undertakes any other useful initiative within the scope of its competence.

The Impartiality Safeguard Committee is composed of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 9 members chosen in such a way as to ensure the continuous adequacy and constant balance of the parties involved in certification without a single interest predominating, thus safeguarding transparency and impartiality of judgment.

The names of the members of the Committee are shown in the List of Members of the Impartiality Safeguard Committee and Mapping of Skills, where technical skills are mapped.

The shareholders, employees and anyone who has participated in any capacity in the certification process managed by the organization cannot be part of the Impartiality Safeguard Committee.

Employees and partners of consultancy firms and freelance consultants who carry out consultancy on management systems or development of products subject to certification are not admitted to the Impartiality Safeguard Committee.